Kutatások, hivatkozások - 14. - Dioxán
- Occurrence and Treatment of 1,4-Dioxane in Aqueous Environments To cite this article: Matthew J. Zenker, Robert C. Borden, and Morton A. Barlaz. Environmental Engineering Science. September 2003, 20(5): 423-432. doi:10.1089/109287503768335913.Published in Volume: 20 Issue 5: July 6, 2004
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- J. Soc. Cosmet. Chem., 42, 97-104 (March/April 1991) Gas chromatographic determination of 1,4-dioxane at the parts-per-million level in consumer shampoo products MARK P. ITALIA and MATHEWS A. NUNES, Johnson &Johnson Consumer Poducts Company, Grandview Road, Skillman, NJ 08558. Received November 16, 199•.
- Environmental Working Group (EWG)
- Centers for Disease and Control Prevention (CDC)
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- International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC), 2